The Muslim Ummah (community) is like one body. If the eye is in pain then the whole body is in pain and if the head is in pain then the whole body is in pain” So we the Muslim Ummah, whatever colour, nationality or gender, wherever we are like one body. Having said that, Islam never permits self immolation for any reason. Those who commit this act are not in compliance with the Islamic Shariah and they may be 'martyrs' only in the eyes of a non Muslim.
Those who follow the true Message of Islam are known as just MUSLIMS. Wahabi, Sufi, Shia and some others are misnomers. In the Islamic history Wahabi, Sufi, Shia and some others were mere Schools of Thought. All these Schools of Thought had only a perspective or an interpretation according to their understanding. Long after the Death of these Scholars; the followers created their own version with their political masters. Some of these groups have strayed away completely from the Core Values of Islam. While some others who identify themselves by any other than as Muslim, will be representing these political entities and their leaders interest to control wealth and power. Some of these leaders will tie up with the Devil. Muslims have a specific purpose in Life on earth. Most of them know it and pursue to the best of their ability. The term for those Muslim who deviate from Islam are KNOWN as THE KHAWARIJS.
The basic message of Islam is the same message of all the previous prophets (peace be upon all of them) worship God alone and avoid worshipping anything besides Him, whether it is a person, place or thing, directly or indirectly. This basic principle of Monotheism is contained in the opening chapter of the Quran, known as Surah al-Fathiha, verse 4: “You alone we worship and from you alone we do seek help.” In (4:37), Allah also said: “Worship Allah and do not associate partners with Him.” The last Prophet (pbuh) is reported to have said: Anyone who says: 'There is no god worthy of worship except Allah' and dies holding that belief sincerely will be eventually granted paradise.
Muhammed Ibn Abdul Wahhab made every effort to purify Islam by returning Muslims to the original principles of Islam, as exemplified by the Salaf (Companions of the Prophet (pbuh) First and Second Generation in Arabia) and rejecting what was regarded as corruptions introduced by Bid'ah (Innovation of new practices) and Shirk (Attributing Partners). Although all Muslims pray to one God, Muhammed Ibn Abdul Wahhab was keen on emphasising that no intercession with God was possible without God's permission, which God only grants to whom He wills and only to benefit those whom He wills, certainly not the ones who invoke anything or anyone except Him, as these would never be forgiven.
And lo! this your religion is one religion and I am your Lord, so keep your duty unto Me. (The Noble Quran 22:52) But they (mankind) have broken their religion among them into sects, each sect rejoicing in its tenets. (The Noble Quran 22:53) So leave them in their error till a time. (The Noble Quran 22:54)
The late King Faisal bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud was born on 14th September in 1906. His mother was Tarfa bint Abdullah bin Al Abdul Lateef Asheikh. A Descendent of Imam Mohammed bin Abdul Wahhab. He was assassinated on Tuesday 25th March 1975. During his lifetime, he envisaged the greatest Victories and made the strongest stands in his era to serve his religion, his country and his Arab Nation.
May Allah have mercy on his soul.
The deviation in a da'ee's aqeedah and manhaj is to warn the general public from falling into deviation is from among the affairs of utmost importance.
How our faculty and intelligence fails to recognise the marvels of the Creator of the Universe.
Trolls feed on their own feces
A reason people deny the Creator is because it rids them of that moral accountability, so then primal animal instincts take over.
Depression is caused when one strays away from their natural disposition. Human's are Hard Wired to comply with their innate self.
Our words are seeds we sow that grow into the best of fruit or the most harmful of cactus. A winner is he who is mindful of what he plants.
Peace on a personal and a global scale is the need of every individual and creation that exists around us and the same is sought for human success and progress. Bringing everyone on the same level of understanding about peace can inculcate pure thoughts that reflect in an individual's personality, thus aims towards enlightening the people of the world with the knowledge endowed to us by the one God who defined, created, and elaborated what peace really is and the means to achieve it. An opportunity to benefit from the Divine Creator's message of guidance meant for making this world a better place to live together in Peace.
To Allah swt we belong and to HIM we return...
If YOU refuse to see the bright side of the message of Islam then don't blame Muslims for your ignorance.
A basic teaching of Islam is to reach out to others at times of humanitarian need or crisis no matter what their faith or beliefs are.
"When Allah tests you, it is never to destroy you. When He removes something in your possession, it is only in order to empty your hands for an even greater gift"
-Ibn Al-Qayyim (Rahimahullah)
If people know their own faiths, how tolerant they would become and how free from any grudge against each others faith.
The Quran states that the essence of prayer is the remembrance of Allah. We pray to remember Allah and to be conscious of Him on a regular basis in order to be guided in our lives. - Dr Bilal
Allah has created us with free will and one of the consequences of having free will is that we will commit errors. However, Allah has provided a door for us; the door to salvation called REPENTANCE. Our salvation lies in our own hands, and not in the death of a fictitious "son" of God for out sins. So, turn back to God and repent. - Dr Bilal Philips
The message of Islam has not got corrupted. The Noble Quran and the Authentic Sunnah / Hadiths are preserved / guarded by Allah and will remain in it's pure state, rather some stray Muslims have a corrupt interpretation / perception of Islam. Thus the sects of divisions. May Allah guide those who seek the straight path. Salaams.
Shariah is a Divine injunction to Humanity inspired by God and guided by the Hadiths, statements of the Prophet (pbuh). The Shariah strives to teach an ethical and joyful life with the belief in one God and accountability of our every action. Enforcing an Islamic system of governance is usually met with stiff resistance from the Secular forces. Sri Lanka is at it's cross road and Sri Lankan Muslim leaders have to take the initiative to present the Shariah in it's entirety.
Let all of us Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, Muslims, and people of other faiths who “esteem an upright life” and seek truly to honour the All Moghty God and do His will embrace each other, seeking mutual understanding for the benefit of all men and women working together to preserve and promote peace, liberty, justice, and moral values.”
To those of us who believe in the Oneness of Allah, the fact that we possess these faculties is itself a pointer that we have to use our moral conscience and our spirituality in seeking Allah, in seeking out the truth, and in seeking the answers to all the fundamental questions. Allah has provided us with the appropriate faculties or the tools to seek out the answers to these fundamental questions.
Hypocrites cannot diffenciate between good and evil.
We just do not read it, we spend time cross referencing with Prophets statements and make every effort to comprehend as it was intended and understood by the Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) and companions. Before we challenge our Creator we should take time to marvel and ponder His creation.
Marriage is a journey of discovery of each other. Knowing the other does not guarantee success or happiness rather the adventure of finding each other and adjusting to each other, within Islamic values gives a greater chance of happiness in a marriage.
Santa Claus is not mentioned in the Bible and Christmas was not celebrated by Jesus (PBUH) or any of his followers, its a pagan festival that has been introduced into Christianity.
Zikr, the remembrance of Allah is a source of solace to the soul.
Prison was the University of Yusuf (as), Abu Hanifa, Ibn Taymiyyah, Imam Ahmad, etc.
The speakers of truth in the past were arrested for this views, and the same happens today!
It is a command and a primary belief. The Muslims believe there is no eternal salvation for those who ascribe partners to God. This is non negotiable as it is embedded / innate on the soul of every human being, referred as the covenant to God. Those who violate this covenant will nether find peace nor happiness in this short, limited life. Ascribing partners to God is the only sin which is unpardonable. This is so important that the Prophet (PBUH) spent the first 13 years of his life to instil the correct concept of 'There is none worthy of being worshipped except Allah and Muhammed (PBUH) is the messenger of Allah.' to his companions and followers. Islam is a way of life with Divine guidance with the option of the freedom to accept or reject. The choice is entirely up to the intellect of a person.
It is never the sinner that one should hate, but only the sin; for the essence of all humanity is a soul created in submission to its Creator. Whether that soul acknowledges this on a conscious level or not is a matter of grace, and this understanding enables us to look at others with compassion.
Work for this world as if we will live forever, but work for our next life as if tomorrow we die. In other words, do not neglect the externals of our worldly needs, all the while keeping in mind our end and final resting place.
Foundations of the Spiritual Path
Counsel By Sidi Ahmad al-Zarruq
The creation cannot be the Creator
Three Mighty Abrahimic Messengers of God had one Message.
Moses, Jesus and Muhammed (peace be upon them all) brought a simple message. And had a single mission. To convey to humanity the true message of Salvation
None is worthy of worship in truth except Allah.
our eyes are like camera lenses,
our ears and mouth are like mp3s,
our mind is our modem,
our heart is your hard drive,
everything we see, everything we hear, everything we say, is downloaded and recorded.
and they will be uploaded on judgement day.
will we be proud of that dvd we will see?”
Actions are judged and rewarded by our intentions.
"Be mindful of Allah and Allah will protect you. Be mindful of Allah and you will find Him in front of you. If you ask, ask of Allah; if you seek help, seek help of Allah. Know that if the Nation were to gather together to benefit you with anything, it would benefit you only with something that Allah had already prescribed for you, and that if they gather together to harm you with anything, they would harm you only with something Allah had already prescribed for you. The pens have been lifted and the pages have dried.” [Tarmidhee]
When we have little, we want more. When we lose it all, we then realise that little was more than enough.
The Noble Quran is our map and Jennah (Paradise) is our final destination.
If wealth is the secret to happiness, then the rich should be dancing in the street. But only poor kids do that.
If power ensures security, then officials should walk unguarded. But those who live simply, sleep soundly.
If beauty and fame bring ideal relationships, then celebrities should have the best marriages.
Live simply. Walk humbly & always be thankful to ALLAH..
Display and live the moral and ethical characteristics of Prophet Muhammed. (pbuh) We learn more by observation than conning over pages of books.
Once all villagers decided to make dua for rain. On the day of prayer everyone gathered but only one boy came with an umbrella, thats faith!
We cannot force a person to be a good Muslim, but we can be the reason for them to change for the best.
- Dr. Zakir Naik
When Allah created His throne He (SWT) wrote upon it: "My Mercy is Greater than My Wrath" - This is a sign from Allah to Encourage us to Never give up in His Mercy!! May Allah Bestow upon us His Mercy. Ameen.
We will not be asked about our culture in our grave. And we will not be judged based on our Father’s last name. When the trumpet blares, there will be no more kings, only slaves and our family traditions will not be able to keep us safe.
The Sunnah of Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) is like the ark of Noah (AS) whoever embarks upon it reaches salvation and whoever refuses is drowned - Imam Malik
The knowledge of a hypocrite is in his speech, while the knowledge of a believer is in his actions.
The planning of The Almighty Allah is better for us than our own planning, and He could deprive us from what we ask to test our patience. So let Him see from us a determined patience and we will soon see from Him what He will give us. And when we have cleaned the paths of answering (of supplication) from the stains of sin and was patient about what He has chosen for us, then every thing that happens to us is better for us whether we were given or deprived of what we have requested.
For everything, there is a cure. And the cure of (ailing) hearts lies in the remembrance of Allah.
A violent temper will ignite hatred, burn respect & turn all hopes of happiness to ashes.
Allah has created Angels with reason but having no desires; animals with desires but no reason, & man with both reason and desires. Therefore, if one’s reason is stronger than his desires, he is like an Angel… while if his desires are stronger than his reason, he is like an animal.
Time and health are two precious assets that we don't recognise and appreciate until they have been depleted.
As much as we may whine or moan over our worldly problems, always ALWAYS remember someone has it worse than us...
When she is a daughter, she opens a door of Jennah (Paradise) for her Father. When she is a wife, she completes half of her Deen (Religion) of her husband. When she is a Mother, Jannah (Paradise) lies in her feet. If only everyone knew the true status of women in Islam.
Muslims all around the world should strive to implement the Islamic Shariah (Divine Injunctions) on themselves first, before they start imposing on others. To practice Islam; the geographic location is not very important. We can choose to ignore the secular lifestyle very easily even if we are destined to live in a so-called democracy. This belief is from a life long experience.
When love, knowledge and aspiration is directed to this worldly life, the heart becomes narrow and gloomy as it distances itself from the source of the Creator.
Innalilaahi wa Innaillaihi Rajioon.
It's a shame how Muslims can be duped easily. Some are caught up with this world so much that they would rather oblige pagan desire than to follow the authentic sunnah of the Prophet (PBUH) by completely refraining from innovation (Shirk) The choice is open; either to choose eternal bliss in exchange to the limited life on earth.
There are two kinds of meeting between friends:
The first is a meeting based on sociability and spending time, in which are more disadvantages than advantage, the least of which is corruption of the heart, and wasting time.
The Second kind is a meeting for the sake of supporting one another, and recommending one another to the truth and to patience. This is the best kind, yet there are still three disadvantages therein,
1. Flattering each other.
2. Being excessively talkative.
3. That such meetings become a habit or routine and they fail to achieve their aims.
Enjoying health, this worldly life, status, a wife or children, then surely those feelings are temporary and will eventually dissipate.
There are three kinds of passive feelings, which affect the heart and they are either related to the past, which causes sorrow, or related to the future so as to cause grief, of finally related to the present so as to cause distress.
If the heart is not pure or honourable enough, and distance from every evil and malice, then it is unworthy to love, know and aspire to Allah. On the contrary, the lowest description of man's heart is that he loves and aspires to this worldly life instead to Allah, the Almighty.
When man's love, knowledge and aspiration is directed to this worldly way, the heart becomes narrow and gloomy as it is distant from the source of its revival and life.
Subsequently, the hearts of man can be divided into two kinds, the first of which is the heart of those, who incline to the Beneficent, which is the source of brightness, life, happiness, pleasure, delight and blessings.
The second one is the throne of the devil where narrowness, darkness, death, sorrow, distress and grief are settled therein. This heart is obsessed by sorrow for the past, and grief and distress for the present.
In order for a place to contain something, it must be free from whatever contradicts it. This principle applies to mankind and all creation as well as to belief and desires.
So, if the hearts is obsessed by belief in falsehood, there will be no place for truth.
Accordingly, if the tongue is involved in trivial discourse, one shall be incapable of useful speech, unless falsehood is abandoned.
Hence, if the body is busy doing wrong actions, then acts of worship will be inapplicable unless these contradictory actions are abandoned.
Stand firm against evil thoughts, for if you fail to do so, they will become ideas, if you do not, they will become desires, so fight against them. If you do not, they will become a form of determination and intention, if you do not resist, they will become actions, and if you do not follow them up with their opposite, they will become habits that will be hard to quit.
He, who did not make use of his eye, did not make use of his ear.
The servant has a veil between him and Allah and another one between him and people. Whoever tore this veil between him and Allah, Allah will tear the veil between him and people.
The servant has a Lord that he will stand in front of and a house that he will live in, so he must seek the pleasure of Allah before meeting Him and he should furnish his house before moving into it.
Loosing time is harder than death, as loosing time keeps you away from Allah and the Hereafter, while death keeps you away from worldly life and people.
The whole world from its beginning until its end is not worth an hour of sadness, so what about the sadness of whole life.
What we love today will catch up with what we hate tomorrow and what we hate today will catch up with what we love tomorrow.
The most precious reward during life is to busy yourself with most suitable and useful matters in their exact and suitable time. How can he be rational who sells Paradise and what is in it, for one hour of passing pleasure?
The pious man will leave this worldly life while he did not obtain satisfaction in two matters: crying for himself and praising Allah.
If you are afraid of any creature, you will run away from it. When you are afraid of Allah, you will love Him and seek to be close to Him.
If knowledge is useful without actions, Allah, the Exalted would never have dispraised the people of the book and if actions were useful without devotions, He would never have have dispraised the hypocrite.
Piety has Three Levels
1. Protecting the heart and limbs against sin and forbidden actions.
2. Protecting them against undesirable matters.
3. Protecting against curiosity and whatever is not of one's concern.
The first will grant life to the servant, the second will grant his health and power, and the third will grant him happiness and joy.
The sea of pleasures may drown its owner and the swimmer fears to open his eyes under water.
Passing days are like dreams, the coming ones are wishes, and the time separating them is wasted.
Buy for yourself (through doing good deeds) while there is still a market and you have the ability to buy.
If you do not work hard and face difficulties along your way in seeking glory, you will never taste honour and relief when you attain victory.
It was said to one of the worshippers: You are tiring yourself so much! He said: I want to achieve comfort from it.
The human being was honoured with the blessings of life and faith, but they misused them, so Death takes it away from them.
The truth will only be shown to perceptive people who will use the light of their minds to see the consequences of the matters they face.
The pleasures of life are similar to brides who are dressing for those who will prefer and choose; them or the brides (rewards) of the Hereafter, and whoever knows the significant difference between the two, will choose the best (the Hereafter).
Affliction are but trials by which the faithful are distinguished from the unfaithful, and if you were to succeed therein, they would be turned to supporters by which you could attain your objective.
No one can indulge in unlawfulness except for two reasons, the first of which is failing to trust in Allah, despite the fact that if one obeys Him, he will surely be granted the best of lawful gains.
The second reason is knowing that whoever abandons anything for the sake of Allah, surely He will grant him something better than what he has abandon.
Unfortunately, his vain desires surpass his patience and his inclination overpowers his mind, The first one has poor knowledge, and the second one has poor insight.
How can one feel secure, who has an unmerciful wife, an unforgiving son, a distrusting neighbour, a friend who gives no advice, a partner who misjudges him, an enemy whose hostility never ceases, a soul that is inclined to evil, an adorned world, vain desires, influential lusts, furious anger, the deception of Satan, and controlling weakness? If Allah rescued and guided him, all those problems would be under control, and if Allah deserted and abandoned him, leaving him on his own, all these distresses would cause his destruction.
He who tastes the pleasure of good health, surely the bitterness of patience will become easy for him.
Those who taste the pleasure of faith, will surely feel the bitterness of patience become easy for them.
The aim has priority in estimation, it is the last in existence, it is the principle according to the mind, and it is the end of the journey.
Wahhabi = Salafi = Sunni = Muslim
Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) said : “The Muslim Ummah is like one body. If the eye is in pain then the whole body is in pain and if the head is in pain then the whole body is in pain” So we the Muslim Ummah, whatever colour, nationality or gender, wherever we are like one body.
Islam will win with or without you. But without Islam, you will get lost, and lose.
Islam, is the most rapidly expanding of faiths, demands little immediate knowledge from those who would convert. The convert is permitted to enter and then to learn by participation, although there are plenty of detailed regulations and abstruse theological ideas to be pursued later, and the regulations do effectively separate believers from nonbelievers."
Islam calls people to wake up for opportunities in life.
Culture came from people. Islam came from Allah. So remember to follow Islam over Culture.
Judging Islam on the basis of a few strayed Muslims is like eating a rotten fruit and blaming the whole tree.
Eat together and not separately, for the blessings is associated with company. (Ibn Majah)
Islam doesn't demand the elimination of cultural diversity. It simply seeks to rid cultures of unjust and immoral practices.
Imaam Ibnul-Qayyim, may Allah have mercy upon him, said within Al-Fawaa’id; The intelligent does not command the people (i.e., in his Da’wah) to abandon what? To abandon the World (Dunyaa). But he commands them with abandonment of sins. For abandonment of sins is obligatory; while abandonment of the world (Dunyaa) is a virtue.
When we abandon sins we abandon the world (Dunyaa); because the world (Dunyaa) is our path to falling into sins. He does not call the people and command them to abandon what? He said: “to abandon the world (Dunyaa); but he commands them to abandon sins (meaning, he calls them). For abandonment of sins is obligatory; while abandonment of the world (Dunyaa) is a virtue.”
So it is obligatory that we be gradual in calling the people. If we are in a place wherein Shirk is present and widespread; then we should begin by clarifying Tawheed to them; and clarification that Allah created them for that; and informing them of their true object of worship, Majestic and High be He; and so on. If we are in a place wherein there are no polytheistic oppositions however, there are innovations; then we make them honour the Sunnah and we teach them the Sunnah of the Prophet (upon him be prayers and peace) and we warn them against what? AGAINST OPPOSITION AND INNOVATING; and we teach them bit by bit. If we are in a place wherein wickedness is widespread and there is no innovation, then we clarify to them the importance of holding fast to the Book and the Sunnah and avoiding all forms of disobedience and wickedness; from usury, fornication, and other than it. It is obligatory to teach the people and begin with that which is most important, then that which is next in importance.
Sinning is a disease, repentance is its medicine and abstinence from it is a sure cure.
Increase of Provision through Forgiveness
Compiled & Translated by Umm Yahya
A) Hasan al Basri -Rahimullaah- mentioned:
‘That a man complained to him concerning drought so it was said seek forgiveness from Allah, another complained about another matter so it was said seek forgiveness from Allah, another complained about lack of rain for his land so it was said seek forgiveness from Allah another complained of no offspring so it was said seek forgiveness from Allah, then he (Hasan al Basri) recited.
ٱسۡتَغۡفِرُواْ رَبَّكُمۡ إِنَّهُۥ كَانَ غَفَّارٗا ١٠ يُرۡسِلِ ٱلسَّمَآءَ عَلَيۡكُم مِّدۡرَارٗا ١١ وَيُمۡدِدۡكُم بِأَمۡوَٰلٖ وَبَنِينَ وَيَجۡعَل
لَّكُمۡ جَنَّٰتٖ وَيَجۡعَل لَّكُمۡ أَنۡهَٰرٗا ١٢
Ask forgiveness of your Lord. Indeed, He is ever a Perpetual Forgiver.
He will send [rain from] the sky upon you in [continuing] showers
And give you increase in wealth and children and provide for you gardens and provide for you rivers.[Nuh: 10-12]
[Taken from: ‘Fath al-Bari’ Chapter: the Best Method of Seeking forgiveness]
B) al-Hafidh Emaad ad-Deen Isma’eel Ibn Katheer (d. 774 A.H.) Rahimullaah said in his Tafseer about the previous Ayaat:
‘If you repented to Allah and sought forgiveness from Him and showed obedience to Him your Rizq (provision) would increase and rain would fall from the blessings of the skies, and the blessings of the earth would spring forth, crops would grow for you. You will be given abundant livestock. You will be aided with wealth and offspring; meaning that offspring and wealth would be given to you. And you will be given gardens that have numerous types of fruits and through out there will be rivers that flow in these gardens. This is the way of giving Dawa’ by encouragement.’
[Taken from: ‘Tafseer al-Qur’aan al-Atheem’ 4/p.536]
Dhikr is to the heart as water is to a fish; see what happens to a fish when it is taken out of water: Ibn Taymiyyah
The Bond of Faith is Eternal and bond of blood is earthly.
“The roots of all evil are three: arrogance, envy and greed. Arrogance prevented Satan from bowing. Envy led Cane to kill Abel. And greed took Adam out of Paradise (Jannah).”
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