On YouTube - Excavating The Empty Tomb (beyond a reasonable doubt) PART 5
And because of their saying: We slew the Messiah, Jesus son of Mary, Allah's messenger - they slew him not nor crucified him, but it appeared so unto them; and lo! those who disagree concerning it are in doubt thereof; they have no knowledge thereof save pursuit of a conjecture; they slew him not for certain. (The Noble Quran 4:157) But Allah took him up unto Himself. Allah was ever Mighty, Wise. (The Noble Quran 4:158)
husainfahmy 4 days ago in playlist Excavating The Empty Tomb (beyond a reasonable doubt)
Why would anyone listen to this junk when Islam did not start until around 670 AD? You are a cult just like mormons, the CC, SDA, JW and likewise be left behind just like the rest.
@THERAPTURECOMES why would anyone listen to you when Christianity didn't start until 1900 years ago? Hinduism is MUCH older!
TruthSurge 4 days ago
@TruthSurge Christianity came out of the OT(believing by FAITH) and was prophesied in the OT hundreds of time and the last days are out of the OT with hundreds of prophecies about this. The bible is one book with the NT in the OT concealed and the OT in the NT REVEALED. When the rapture happens, take a look around and see if ALL the Hindu's are still here or not,
Thank you. Searth for Truth is a carefully crafted process.
husainfahmy 2 days ago
Those who love Jesus (Peace Be Upon Him) would accept the messenger of God lifted him up to the Heavens rather than crucified. By the way Islam came into existance on 570 AD and this is the last Testament to mankind it makes sense. Please keep an open mind/heart read the Noble Quran before passing Judgement. When truth is hurled against falsehood, false perishes as falsehood by nature bound to perish.Thanks to TruthSurge for uploading. (Salaam) Peace be on you.
husainfahmy 2 days ago
@husainfahmy Oh stop it. You are just as insane as he is and have as little evidence as he does.
norbolt 2 days ago
In a discussion it is unsportsmanship to call your opponent insane. (Reflects Breed) The evidence is all around you. If you care to see it. If you fail to see it; as critical analysis blinds your pattern of reasoning, Logically you cannot have a Creation without a Creator. The very first Neutrino. Having said that, those who harness a belief that Humanity descends from animals will eventually live and lead a life of an animal. To deny ones innate self drives Humans to self destruction
husainfahmy 2 days ago
@husainfahmy What evidence do you have that shows everything that exists needs to have a creator? What evidence do you have that shows belief in evolution leads to animalistic behavior? Also, isn't it just as bad to call someone an animal as it is to call them insane? You are not exactly leading by example here.
norbolt 2 days ago
If you read carefully, I did not refer anyone as an animal. It is not in my nature to refer a person rather they are directed towards the act. To see the evidence, open up your Heart and Mind to the marvels around and within you. Hopefully, someday you will see it before it's too late. None are so hopelessly enslaved as those who falsely believe they are free.
husainfahmy 1 day ago
@husainfahmy That is exactly the same thing. Nobody actually claims another person *is* an animal when they call them one.
The meaning of calling someone an animal is saying they "behave" like one, or "lead the life" of one, as you so eloquently put it. As for your "evidence" I see nothing connecting "Hey, this world is kind of amazing" with "There must be an
omnipotent being in the sky who did it all and whom we shall worship". It might as well have been a magic giraffe who farted out the world
norbolt 1 day ago
@husainfahmy How far does science have to advance before you'll stop attributing the rest of what we don't know to an omnipotent god? God is the explanation you put on things you don't understand because you can't handle the thought that you actually don't know something. We've explained the tide, the lightning, diseases, mutations, nuclear reactions... None of them are causes by a god, and nothing we've examined ever has been. Stop attributing his doing to what we haven't figured out yet.
norbolt 1 day ago
Can Science prove Life came into existance in a state of nothingness.That's Magic. Illusion/Magic is a deception of the Mind. The quest to know your Creator is a long and tedious process. Please apply the power of Critical thinking and evaluation. Embark on it before the Master switch is turned off. Negative Breads Negativity. Logic and rationality are the language of the Mind. Love and Wisdom are the Humility of the spiritual soul. So to you is your belief and to mine is my belief.
husainfahmy 22 hours ago
@husainfahmy Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. I agree trusting in a claim that a supernatural being created the world is a long and tedious process. It's also a process of self delusion, which is why it is so difficult. I do not have a belief in where life came from. I am waiting for someone to find out. You blindly trust what your peers have told you, and have thus given up the pursuit of truth. 200 years ago you would have said the gods made lightning.
norbolt 22 hours ago
Embrace the obvious. The world exists Now. Our faculty dictates that there must a power that brought this world to its existence. Call it what you like, Energy, Super Natural Being, Creator etc. Work on this self awareness and stop assuming Peers, Blind Faith, etc. When the brain thinks that we really are healing. It then changes as if healing is happening, and this stimulates the actual area of the body that we are imaging at the cellular level. Be convinced that this possible.
husainfahmy 21 hours ago
@husainfahmy I know perfectly well that the world exists. I am simply rejecting your baseless explanation for *why* it exists. Your openness to say the world might have been created by "energy" is invigorating, however, as there is no need to worship energy. Energy has no consciousness that would be offended if we did not, and has no opinion on how we should lead our lives. Do not fall your faith "obvious". Had you not been raised as a believer, you wouldn't be one.
norbolt 20 hours ago
Correction I wrote call it Energy NOT created by 'energy'. Assumptions could be very misleading. If you know the world exists 'WHY' are you not curious as how it came about. The very purpose of this discussion is to put our thoughts and knowledge together; learn and part company with our lives that suits best. I also said Embrace the obvious and NOT call/fall your faith "obvious". None of us ever can be raised as anything as long as we are able and willing to tread in our chosen path.
husainfahmy 20 hours ago
@husainfahmy It is a fact that most religious people were raised that way, and that most religious children have the same religion as their parents. How you were raised is the absolutely greatest influence on your choice of religion. I am very curious why the world exists, but I am not going to jump to conclusions and base my explanation on an old book written before they could even explain lightning. That is not a trustworthy source.
norbolt 20 hours ago
The only truthworthy source is Self Realisation. Seek it sincerely and you shall find it; if it is ment to be.
husainfahmy 17 hours ago
husainfahmy 17 hours ago
@husainfahmy Far out, man! No, seriously. You can't trust your own mind and what "feels right" to figure out what's true and what's not, especially not when the ideas you are considering come from an ancient book written by, by today's standards, absolutely backwards and clueless people. Peer review and demonstrable facts are required. The human mind is weak and can be influenced by all sorts of feelings and chemical imbalances, self-induced or otherwise. One mind is, as old books, untrustworthy
norbolt 17 hours ago
The Human Mind is an amazing tool. Please do not under estimate it. Everything comes from any book should be computerable to a trained Human Mind. The Mind can be influenced only if one lets it through drugs or any other means.
husainfahmy 16 hours ago
@husainfahmy This is demonstrably false. You can simply consider the atheists, christians, muslims, jews, hindu and buddhist religions. At *least* 5 of these groups must have gotten it wrong, and that's just a fraction of the existing world views. The mind does not help here. Most of these people just believe as their parents did. Evidence and facts are required, not "self realisation".
norbolt 16 hours ago
You are being so naive. Most people do not believe as their parents do. In practice we all have a Mind of our own and we are proud of it. No one will deny in their right Mind. The issue is not which group is right or wrong. Deep thinking required to either accept a Creator or reject it. Its as simple as that. This discussion is to learn the pros and cons of the existence of a Creator. We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make our world.
husainfahmy 1 second ago
@husainfahmy Oh stop it. You are a muslim, yes? Are your parents muslims? Think you would be a muslim if you were brought up in the USA by christian parents?
norbolt 4 minutes ago
@husainfahmy And of course the issue is which group is right or wrong. You have a bunch of people going around there making life changing decisions based on beliefs which are simply not true! I know you don't care about truth, but some of us do and feel this is important.
norbolt 2 minutes ago
Please Live your Life of truth, End of Discussion.
husainfahmy 1 second ago
This has been flagged as spam show
Do you seriously think that you can win hearts and minds by slinging insults. Your preaching is back firing with hatred to your cause. The way we communicate with others and with ourselves ultimately determines the quality of our lives. However, A filthy mind produces filthy language, leads a filthy life and ends up in a filthy environment.(GUTTER) Replace FILTH with PEACE and experience the deference. Love thyself as hatred destroys only thyself and no other.
husainfahmy 22 hours ago
Excavating The Empty Tomb (beyond a reasonable doubt) part 12b
And because of their saying: We slew the Messiah, Jesus son of Mary, Allah's messenger - they slew him not nor crucified him, but it appeared so unto them; and lo! those who disagree concerning it are in doubt thereof; they have no knowledge thereof save pursuit of a conjecture; they slew him not for certain. (The Noble Quran 4:157) But Allah took him up unto Himself. Allah was ever Mighty, Wise. (The Noble Quran 4:158)
husainfahmy 4 days ago
@husainfahmy Not spam, but definitely off-topic and irrelevant.
paradigm71 3 days ago
The relevance is that Jesus is the messenger of God, Not a Son as claimed by the Christians. Perhaps one should revisit the definition of God. He is The One; Not Divisible! The eternal!. He begetteth not nor was begotten. And there is none comparable unto Him. No? beginning No end. Only Death is an absolute certainty in Life. The rest is based on Belief, Faith, Fun, Evidence, Logic, Love, Respect, Humility, Devotion, Peace, Prosperity, Perseverance, so on and so forth.
husainfahmy 2 days ago
@husainfahmy I guess when TruthSurge is done with this series, he'll have to another showing how the Quran is fictional too.
paradigm71 2 days ago
@paradigm71 oh no, i'm not getting beheaded man! actually, I'm not really up on the Islam stuff. Not too interested. only from the obvious angle as in let's get rid of this bullshit if it's going to cause people harm. but as for the Quran... it's got to be the most boring thing I've read.
TruthSurge 2 days ago
A Research on Islamic way of Life will boost your channel.Negative or Positive. If you take a close look at the US statistics; Trillions of public tax funds are channeled to spread the cooked up negative aspects through the Media resulting in more people end up researching and spreading the Word. A bonanza to Truth Seekers. The best thing you could get out is an alternative form of Living Life or at least enrich your critical faculties. Take the Plunge and be the TruthSeeker. .
husainfahmy 1 day ago
@husainfahmy I've seen how it can "boost" my channel. My 4 or 5 vids with Muhammad in them got a strike and ALL those vids deleted from my channel. I will not be doing ANYTHING concerning Islam except to ridicule it. Sorry bout dat!
TruthSurge 1 day ago
Thanks, Regarding deleting Vids YT must be having the policy to keep the service clean and beneficial to the wider audience. In my experience Ridicule and Insults have reverse psycological effects and in some cases strengthens ones Faith in the positive direction of life. The major block to compassion is the judgement in our minds. Judgement is the mind's primary tool of separation from good and bad. Work towards a better world of Respect, Tolerance, Peace and Happiness. Regards.
husainfahmy 23 hours ago
@husainfahmy yeah, but my vids mainly are two kinds: comedy and serious examinations of the Bible/Christianity. I don't really have enough time in my life to fight Islam by attracting millions of followers who can only reply by saying "You only say that because you know nothing about Islam. W atch this vid to learn!" I have no time for that.
TruthSurge 12 hours ago
Yes, serious examinations of the Holy Scriptures are a better strategy and gives a lot of Satisfaction and Reward as long as they are tastefully designed for consumption. Rather than fighting; learning the Islamic point of view, could offer an alternate source of Intellectual flavour. You are right very few people possess the correct knowledge of Islam. Pick and choose only the Wisdom it offers. Thank you for your efforts to show the truth and Best Wishes in all your endeavours.
husainfahmy 1 hour ago
An attempt by TruthSurge will not be the last as many (Non Muslim Scholars of the Arabic Language) over the last 14 centuries have made futile attempts to discredit the Noble Quran. The question is can we handle the Truth. If Islamic way of life is practiced as it was prescribed; this short life on earth will be productive and fruitful. I would strongly suggest that get first hand information rather than relying on the Media and Non Practicing Muslims. Best Wishes to TruthSurge.
husainfahmy 1 day ago
@husainfahmy Oh okay, then. The Western holy book is in error because your holy book says it is. And your holy book is perfect. Uh-huh. That's exactly the same thinking that Christians have about your holy book. If it's more accurate than the Bible, it's only because it was written six centuries later and if it hasn't been proven to be imperfect, it's probably because, as TruthSurge suggested, that more Muslims would be willing to kill you for suggesting it's imperfect.
paradigm71 23 hours ago
If Holy Books are too much to digest, go with your gut feeling 'THE NATURAL DISPOSITION' This is built in software on every human being. In order to tune in one has got to think in terms of Gratitude. Cultivate a sense of loving kindness, wellness, peace, happiness, and compassion for ourselves, our loved ones, neutral people, and even to the aggressors in our lives and see the difference. Holy books are mere a form of guidance to a lost Soul. Truth always Prevails sooner or later.
husainfahmy 22 hours ago
@husainfahmy Yes, truth always prevails sooner or later. I think it would be later though. Because religious fanatics is dangerous.
Fact :
Torah contains a brutal god.
Christian uses Torah to further "understanding" their fabricated stories,
Islam copy Bible and Torah to make the "Perfect" one.
Christian is Fabricated,
Islam copy both Torah "The Brutal God" and Christian "The Fake God".
Islam = A Brutal Fake God.
Reality ?
All abrahamic religion is just one huge mess. No joke.
Arthyna 5 hours ago
Hope you got the equation Right to live the life of your Dreams with inner Peace. That is all matters at the end of the day. Enjoy, while it lasts.
husainfahmy 1 hour ago
@husainfahmy Amen. LOL !
Arthyna 20 minutes ago